Search Engine Reputation Management
Reputation is always vulnerable and fragile – be it for a celebrities, politicians or companies. A hint of a rumor somewhere, a small gossip on the grapevine, a mysterious buzz among people can all swell into a problem of catastrophic proportions.
What is Search Engine Reputation Management?
Several times companies can face an attack from various corners – dissatisfied customers who’ve turned hostile, previous employees of the company who hold a grudge, and unethical competitors, itching to cause some trouble for their competition. Such onslaught can not only harm the reputation of your company but can also impact your business in many ways.
Search Engine Reputation Management is what bails companies out in times like this and protect them from content that could be potentially detrimental for the company.
Where does all this Damaging Content Appear?
On a number of forums! These days there is no dearth of forums and websites on which you can post negative reviews about anything on this planet. Blogs are the most favored options as they can be set up in a few minutes, and incur hardly any expense. Since most blogs are text based, search engine spiders are attracted to them like flies to sugar.
Apart from this you have exclusive hate sites where nasty comments can be posted to the heart’s content; consumer sites to address grievances, sites designed by law firms, protest sites ….there are opportunities galore out there, waiting to be discovered and exploited.
How Does Search Engine Reputation Management Work?
The key to a good Search Engine Reputation Management strategy is to have an aggressive one for Search Engine Optimization. That’s right, effective SEO can solve a lot of problems for your company. It has a two-fold effect-
- It boosts the ranking of your website by optimizing the web content, and,
- It pushes the 'troublemaker' website, out of the top position relegating it to the third, fourth, fifth or sixth page of search engines.
That way, when Internet users look for information on your company, they find your website has a good ranking and the other websites carrying negative information don’t catch their eye.
Is Search Engine Reputation Management Essential for a Business?
Imagine what negative comments can do for your company. The harm to your corporate image will be the least of your worries, once you think about the other repercussions. It can cause trouble in retaining and recruiting employees; cripple your revenue performance and cause your stocks to plummet. In light of all these points you can decide for yourself, how important Search Engine Reputation Management is. Get in touch with us today to find out more!